Bring It On

The last part of 2013 was such a non-stop whirlwind, I started to wonder if it would ever end. I wanted to leave the rough spots of 2013 behind me and jump head first into making 2014 the best year yet. But when I had time to stop and think about it — while vacuuming water out of our basement — it occurred to me that we did a lot last year. Most of it was great, some of it was tough, but it was all time well-spent.

We started 2013 on top of Camelback Mountain in Arizona.

Camelback Mountain, AZ, New Year's Day 2013

I bought Mickey Mouse sunglasses at Epcot.


Roadtripped to Charleston with a bunch of girlfriends.

Matching tees!

Hosted a bridal shower.



Got peer pressured into running the Cherry Blossom 10-miler.


We celebrated our first wedding anniversary with an afternoon at the batting cages where Hugh proposed.



I cried through our best friends’ wedding.


We spent my grandpa’s birthday with him in the hospital.


Packed Memorial Day weekend full of outdoor adventures with friends and both of our families.



We carried on an annual beach tradition with friends.


We reunited with family in Virginia.


And in Oklahoma.


And vacationed in Isle of Palms, SC.


I spent an incredible girls weekend in Nashville.


We got to attend Lucy’s baptism.


We bought a little house.


We celebrated the life of one of my most cherished family members.


Dressed up our home with Hugh’s very first live Christmas tree.


And rang in the new year in New Jersey with old friends.


Yes, 2013 taught me a little about loss and change and wet basements, but it also taught me that I can run and that Hugh and I make a pretty good home improvement team. It also reminded me that we are surrounded by incredible friends and family who helped us through home-buying, moving and maintenance and who are generous with hugs when you need them.

And as for 2014, well it’s already off to a big start. I began [yet another] new job on January 2nd, and Hugh is becoming a master landscaper as I type this. I don’t like to make resolutions, but I do like to make goals and set milestones to look forward to.

In 2014 we will:

  • Dry out the basement, once and for all, then tackle our two-page project list
  • Run the Cherry Blossom 10-miler together
  • Celebrate two anniversaries and a big birthday in Key West with great friends
  • Not let work run our lives, but strive to be great at our jobs
  • Watch my brother graduate from our alma mater
  • Spend time vacationing with both sides of Hugh’s family
  • Never lose sight of how fortunate we are

Bring it on, 2014. Bring it on.